Saw this post on the Louisville Trail Nuts Facebook group and thought it captured many of our feelings about Cherokee Park and Beargrass Creek and asked permission from the author to print. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.
A Pre-Birthday Reverie
They are barely noticeable,
until a hard rain comes
and then from a trickle to a rush
Tributaries appear like watery spider webs
in the heart of Cherokee Park
They feed Beargrass Creek until it’s pregnant
and gives birth to floodwaters
and raises a pond
that engulfs part of Boundary Road,
just down a ways from Big Rock,
making it seemingly impassable
And It stops me in my tracks
A vehicle comes from behind me,
creeping cautiously and then it eases to a halt
And, the driver considers,
“Should I tempt fate and proceed”?
After a few moments, she thinks better
and turns her car around and
Returns the way she came
But not me.
I’m out on my feet for a long Sunday run
I wade through the waters,
nearly knee deep in some parts
It’s fun at first and then it starts to suck
My feet become numb in the frigid murkiness
I search for a route to high ground and find a bypass
Around the newly made swamp
I climb hand over hand up an embankment
to a soggy trail
Now out of the hyperthermic wetness
and from my perch
I see ducks at a standstill
in the torrent of Beargrass’s current
On the surface they look calm, detached
But I know they are fighting like hell
underneath the surface and their
webbed feet are paddling hard
to stay in place
and not be taken away downstream
I am hours from completing my
60th trip around the sun
Tomorrow is my birthday
and I cannot think of a better place
to be than surrounded
by the tributaries that
feed my source and enable
the constant flow of wonder
into the river that is my life