Runner Spotlight - Sally Moyer

This year in her last year in the 75-79 age group, Sally Moyer swept the record book for her age group in all three Polar Bear Grand Prix races! Click here for the Polar Bear Grand Prix race records.

I would have loved to run on a track team in high school and college, but at that time there were no track teams open to girls where I lived.  When road running became popular in the 1970s, my husband suggested that we try to run a 5K.  I was 39 at the time.  It was then that I remembered how much fun running is.  We have been hooked on running ever since that race.

 Our two young kids would come along to races and we became a running family.  Our kids are adults now and they are still running, as is our grandson.  It is so nice to be a part of this healthy  family tradition.

 When the National Masters USATF came to Charlotte, NC in August 2006, I finally had an opportunity to run competitively on an outdoor track.  I was 60 at that time, but running a real race on a track was something I always wanted to do.  In my age group I was 2nd in the 5K and 1st in the 10K.  It was great fun to be a small part in a large track meet.

 In March of 2023 the Masters Indoor USATF championship was held at the Norton Healthcare Sports and Learning Center’s Indoor Track.  It is a magnificent facility and I did not want to pass up this opportunity - even though I was 78 years old.  I ran the 3000 meter event and placed 2nd in my age group.  It was a treat to compete with so many great athletes on another great indoor track.

 This March I will be 80 years old.  Running is just as much fun now as it was when I first started.  I have taken up the Run-Walk-Run approach from Jeff Galloway’s book.  It is a great way to pace yourself, and to run even faster.  Even younger runners can benefit from this approach, so check it out!

 The Polar Bear Series is one of my favorites. These races are always happy, friendly and well-run.  The 4K, 5K, and 4 mile events are just right for the cold winter months.  Thank you, River City, for making this a wonderful tradition for so many.

Runner Spotlight - Seth Snider-Hayes

Meet your 2024/25 Polar Bear Grand Prix Champion!

I played soccer growing up and really had never thought about running as a sport, just as part of the game of soccer. Part of my soccer days included running hill repeats every Saturday morning, which I think is why I love running hills so much (looking at you Cherokee Park). The years of hill repeats led to the suggestion by an old soccer coach, that I try cross country. I tried cross country in 7th grade and loved it, which started years of running myself ragged. Every Spring I was playing club soccer and running track. Every Fall I was playing school soccer and running cross country. By my senior year of high school, I started getting worn out and knew I needed to make a change and that ultimately ended up being the decision to only focus on running, leading me to run cross country and track in college. After my freshman year at a very small university, I decided to transfer, which meant a larger school with a D1 program that I was certainly NOT cut out for, meaning running just became a hobby. After years of just running for the heck of it and jumping into races without any training, I finally decided to focus in on the sport more, and I joined Fleet Feet Louisville, where, after two seasons of training, I was able to join the racing team. I am now a mentor in our training group and I also get to lead a Thursday run club every week. All in all, I have been running for 17 years and I have loved every second of it.

It was in my first season of training at Fleet Feet that I first heard about the Polar Bear Grand Prix. The group I normal ran with had a team in the races and I wanted in, so that first year I just ran the Grand Prix solo. The second year I formed a team, now known as The Devil Wears Strava and we have been having so much fun ever since! We all LOVE the Polar Bear Grand Prix and will never not do these races. It offers such a great atmosphere and fun/friendly competition…plus it just feels so good being a part of and supporting our great local running community.

My favorite distance is currently the half marathon. It’s challenging but not so long that it makes me feel like my next step may be my last LOL. I have attempted one full marathon before (with ZERO training) and it did not end well. Long story short, I am not brave enough to try that distance again…yet.

My favorite place to run in Louisville is Cherokee/Seneca Parks. They offer me the hills that I like, flat areas for speed work and central location that is easy to add on to for long runs. The only thing they don’t have are the bathrooms of the Parklands. My favorite place to run outside of Louisville is any place that I am visiting. My favorite way to explore a new town is to go on a run with no plan. It’s the best way to see the area and find places that you wouldn’t typically find on Google.

My favorite race/most unique race I have run currently is the Great Smoky Mountains Half Marathon. While this wasn’t necessarily the “best” race I have done, the memories that were made there made it the BEST. I have a goal of running a half marathon in every state, so when I found this race as part of Destination Races, I immediately asked my best friend if she wanted to do it with me and before you knew it, we were renting a cabin, planning our stop at Buc-ee’s, and signing up for the Black Bear Challenge which meant racing a 5k at 6:30 the night before the half marathon. We learned that the best race recovery involves a hot tub and Pedialyte in champagne glasses…and maybe getting lost in the woods on a hike.

My favorite thing about running is the way it makes me feel. I can be having the worst day and go for a run and feel a thousand times better knowing that, regardless of how the rest of the day went, I was able to get out and move around and accomplish something. Running gives me a space to feel things and process things in a safe space. It’s free therapy for me. I also LOVE the community. The running community in Louisville is second to none. Getting to run through the park and see so many familiar faces is such a great feeling. It gives me a sense of pride, being a part of this great thing. The relationships that I have developed through the running community, are relationships that I cherish and ones that I know will last a lifetime.

If there was any advice that I would off, it’s to keep moving. It doesn’t matter if you are a running, walker or somewhere in between, you are doing something productive and you are accomplishing something; that is something to be proud of.

Another piece of advice I would give is to do as many River City Races as you can throughout the year. Each event River City Races hosts is always such a great time. You get to get out and move, you get to be a part of this amazing running community we have in Louisville, and you get to give back. You also get to challenge yourself too. With so many races throughout the year, it’s really a great way to push yourself and see what you can do from race to race.

I would encourage everyone to come out, regardless of ability/pace, and be a part of this amazing community that we have here in Louisville and that River City Races is helping grow. I think I speak for everyone when I say, we’d love to have you.

Runner Spotlight - Micah Huff


How and why did you start running and how many years have you been running?

I started running in the spring of 2023 with my only goal being to finish the Thanksgiving 5K that year…. But quickly I was addicted to the mental challenge of distance running.

Favorite distance:

I actually have two favorites. I love the 5K, it is fast and a few times a year my entire family will join in on the fun. Equally I love the 13.1, which is also fast but requires dedication to train and finish.

Favorite place to run:

I also have 2 favorite places to run. I jump on my treadmill in the basement and watch sports while doing my speed work. But on long runs, you really can beat the Parklands of Floyds Fork.

Favorite or most unique race you have run?

My favorite race is the KDF minimarathon. The city is buzzing with anticipation for the Derby, and the entire track is full of spectators cheering you on.

Favorite thing about running

You can get a workout anywhere at any time, I don’t have to do much planning to stay active.

Do you have any running/walking advice you'd like to offer?

My advice to anyone is you should always remember that the 30-minute mile is the same distance as the world record mile. Compete against yourself, not the other runners!

Why do you like running River City Races events:

The community, so many folks do every event and it’s a great way to stay plugged into our city! Also, the number of events keeps me in race shape year-round. I rarely try and PR the River City Races, instead I used them as training runs that fit into my long-term plans.

Anything else you'd like to share?

I am an ambassador for the Kentucky Derby Marathon & minimarathon, one of my responsibilities is recruiting runners for the race. So, consider this your official invitation to run the race, and please remember to select me as your referring ambassador when you register.

I was previously 540lbs and struggled to any physical activity. Now I have ran races up to the 30K distance, that Downtown Doubler was a blast! I am moving up to 26.2 distance in the fall of 2025. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, SET A GOAL, ACHIEVE A GOAL, and REPEAT!

Runner Spotlight - Matt Muller

Meet the new owner of Ken Combs Running Store

How and why did you start running and how many years have you been running?

I started running back in fifth grade when we moved over to Indiana and I was able to join the cross country team. I was super excited because I always loved to run and now I got to race for real! From that point forward I grew a passion for running and continued to run cross country and track through high school. I gained such a passion for it that I continue to run and now do something I never thought I'd do: own Ken Combs Running Store! But now running has a different meaning than it did back in the day. I use it as an opportunity to de-stress, clear my head, and get creative with different ideas I have for Ken Combs Running Store. It's an opportunity for me to go out and get a break from the everyday grind and I love it. So, if we're keeping track, it's been over 30 years of running!

Favorite distance

I have two distances I really love to run - the 10K and the half marathon. Both are challenging and require hard work, but they are over quickly, and the training isn't as daunting! But I'm starting to favor the full marathon as I just qualified for The Boston Marathon for the first time!

Favorite place to run

My favorite place to run is Cherokee Park. I love seeing all the people out there running/walking/playing with their dogs/cycling/etc. It's such a great place with great energy. You can get all the hills you need, run trails if you want, and even use the flatter roads along the creek for speed work. It also offers great scenery throughout the year and it doesn't hurt that it's close to my house!

Favorite or most unique race you have run?

One of the coolest places I've run was in Prague, Czech Republic. You're able to run along the Vltava River which offers a great view of the city along with some paths that are pedestrian and bike friendly. And if you want to climb some hills and have some great views, run Vitkov Hill, a great mid city park! I love running when traveling because it gets you off the beaten path and offers you a different perspective than you'd otherwise get.

Favorite thing about running

Running is my escape. It's something I can do anywhere, and I don't need others to come with me to have a good time. Nothing beats the feeling of a great run! But I also love the community and camaraderie that running offers. We have an AWESOME running community in Louisville with people from all walks of life that get out and put in the work like everyone else. The running community is full of great people and I've been fortunate to make some great friends within the Louisville running community. Running brings people together and I love getting up early on a Saturday morning to meet up with friends to knock out a long run at 6:00 am. That's my happy place. 

Do you have any running/walking advice you'd like to offer?

Stay within yourself. Sometimes it is easy to get caught up with comparing yourself to others. DON'T! Everyone is different and everyone has their own journey. You will get where you need to be with your running as long as you put in the work and have a plan. 

Why do you like running River City Races events?:

First and foremost, River City Races are fun! RCR offers different distances throughout the year so there is something for everyone. Whether you are just starting out or you are a seasoned veteran, you will enjoy their races!

Anything else you'd like to share?

Running teaches you a great lesson: you get out of it what you put into it. Running isn't something you can just show up and do, it takes a lot of work and dedication. You can't cheat running, and running won't cheat you. If you put in the work, stay dedicated, and have fun with it, you will reap many rewards both big and small! But all it takes is that first step. Don't be intimidated, start small, and most importantly have fun! If you ever have questions or want to chat about running, stop in and see me (or anyone else on our team) at Ken Combs Running Store!