Runner Spotloight - Allecia Hull

3rd Place 30-34 Female in the Polar Bear Grand Prix

How and why did you start running and how many years have you been running?

I ran cross country in high school, but my running habits have been off and on since then—mostly off. In 2021 though I got Covid and couldn’t seem to shake the fatigue for months after, so a friend suggested I start running with her to build up stamina. I haven’t stopped since then! 

Why did you decide to do the Polar Bear Grand Prix?

I was researching races to do locally to help me stick to my work-outs and discovered this series. I loved the races so much even with the hills and the cold I plan on making this an annual tradition.

Favorite distance?

I like any run between 4-6 miles. I like longer runs but I start getting bored after about an hour of running if I am not with someone. 

Favorite place to run?

Beckley Creek Park—there are so many trails and places for you to run and explore. 

Favorite or most unique race you have run?

I really like the Derby Festival Half Marathon. The vibe is so energetic and fun, and I love that we get to run through Churchill Downs. There were even horses out practicing at last year’s race which was so cool to see.  

Favorite thing about running?

It fixes a lot of my problems! Slight headache? Just run. Feeling anxious or angry? Lace up your sneakers! Whether I need to think through a problem, burn some energy or am feeling sluggish running always tends to make things better. 

Do you have any running/walking advice you'd like to offer?

You are going to have some rough runs, but you can’t have great runs without them! Just try to push yourself a little bit more than you think you can. It’s also ok if your body is screaming to walk or have a rest day---even if it wasn’t scheduled. 

Why do you like running River City Races events?

I have only run the Polar Prix (but plan on signing up for the Run the 502 this year!) but I loved that it was dog friendly. It was so fun to run alongside them…even though it’s been tempting me to get my own running dog much to my husband’s chagrin! :)