Runner Spotlight - Randy Garrett

2022/23 Polar Bear Grand Prix 65-69 Age Group Champion

How and why did you start running and how many years have you been running? Thinking back to when I started running adds up to a lot of years and miles ago. I started running seriously 48 years ago for stress relief, good health, and math. In college as an engineering student I had many math formulas to memorize and would write them on index cards and review them as I put in the miles.

Why did you decide to do the Polar Bear Grand Prix? The Polar Grand Prix races were my first races after moving to Louisville in 2014. Such a beautiful course and so much runner enthusiasm. That keeps me coming back and running them.

Favorite distance? My favorite race distance is the half marathon. It’s also a good distance for me to train for as it stretches out my mind and body and makes me work hard. My mind does drift as I run and it provides plenty of time for that.

Favorite place to run? Since I try to run as often as I can, my favorite place to run is anywhere out my back door. Louisville has some great neighborhoods and parks. It is just a blast to take off and explore and gaze.

Favorite or most unique race you have run? Having run ten Ragnars across the country, and three Bourbon Chase races here, the most beautiful course I have experienced is the Wasatch Back Ragnar in Utah. Just a very interesting course with beautiful scenery all along the way. You should go for it!

Favorite thing about running? My favorite thing about running is that it just makes me feel good and feel like I am an athlete. Trying to lead a healthy life is important and running certainly contributes to that. But, it just makes me feel good (at the end of the run that is).

Do you have any running/walking advice you'd like to offer? My advice is that the road goes on forever and we all should too. Don’t stop, or if you do get back out there or do something to keep moving.

Why do you like running River City Races events? Running River City Races give me goals to set and push for. The Grand Prix gets me out into that crowd of runner’s enthusiasm that is so cool to be a part of. Runners having a good time.

Anything else you'd like to share? To end I would say continue to push yourself while listening to your body. See you on the road.