Runner Spotlight - Seth Snider-Hayes

2nd Overall in the 2022/23 Polar Bear Grand Prix

How and why did you start running and how many years have you been running?

Growing up I was strictly a soccer player until 7th grade when one of my soccer coaches (also a runner) suggested I try cross country. I tried it and I fell in love. My freshman year of high school I wanted to focus on soccer, but after talking with both the soccer coach and the cross country coach, we decided that I would do both. So starting sophomore year, in the spring I would do club soccer and cross country, and in the fall I would do high school soccer and track. After running through high school, I ran my freshman year of college for Asbury University. After transferring my sophomore year, I switched to only running for fun and slowly started getting away from “regular running” and would just show up for races. Toward the end of 2019, I decided to get back in to running more and joined with Fleet Feet Louisville and have never looked back. I am now a mentor for the training program and a member of the Fleet Feet Racing Team. Long story short, I have been running for 17 years and plan on running for many more years to come.

Why did you decide to do the Polar Bear Grand Prix?

When I first started running with Fleet Feet, some of the runners I was with were talking about the Polar Bear Grand Prix. I had never heard of it and ultimately ended up registering myself. The serious was so fun that I decided to do it again, this time getting other Fleet Feet runners together to form what is now The Devil Wears Strava. We all love racing, we all love hanging out with each other, we love fun; and this race series allows us to combine all the things we love. Running and having fun together.

Favorite distance?

My favorite race distance is the half marathon. However, my favorite Polar Bear Grand Prix (and River City Races) distance is the 5k. Having so many different 5ks to choose from throughout the year, you really get the chance to push yourself. To start the year with a 5k, and push yourself to get faster and faster with the next 5k.

Favorite place to run?

My favorite place to run in Louisville is Cherokee Park. It is such a great starting point for any distance that I want to run. I can hit the Bear Grass Creek Trail and head on down to the waterfront. I can head to Bardstown Road and go through the Highlands. I can take the Scenic Loop and head on up to Seneca Park and enjoy St. Matthew’s and the Crescent Hill neighborhood. I also LOVE hills. So, by parking at the top of the hill, I have no choice but the run up a hill to get back to my car. Just a little game I like to play so I can push myself.

Favorite or most unique race you have run?

My favorite race that I have run is the Chicago Half Marathon. Chicago is my favorite city on this planet, so any excuse I get to go there I take. This race goes out and back on Lakeshore Drive, so you have Lake Michigan beside you pretty much the whole way and the city skyline in front of you the whole first half. The race puts on an amazing race expo each year, always in a different part of the city to showcase what the city has to offer. Race weekend also has a special place in my heart because it is the weekend that I got engaged back in 2017. I have been back to run the race every year since.

Favorite thing about running?

My favorite things about running the mental benefits it offers me. While I am a competitive person and I like running fast and beating people just as much as the next person; running offers me an outlet and a place to set goals for myself. I could be having the worst day ever, go out and run and just leave it all out on the road and feel a million times better. I could be all in my feelings and go out on a run and process what I am feeling. Running is a safe place for me. I place for me deal with things, to feel things, to process things, to release things without fear of judgement or being seen. When I am out on a solo run, it is just me, myself, and I out there. It is MY feet making me move. It is MY lungs keeping me breathing. Running reminds me that I am human, and I am not perfect. I’m not always going to want to do things, I’m not always going to be the fastest, and I’m certainly not always going to look good doing it and that is all OK!

Do you have any running/walking advice you'd like to offer?

No matter if you are running or walking, you are doing it! You are getting out there and you are achieving something, and that is AMAZING. Just for a moment forget the chaos, forget what is going on at home, at work, at school. For a moment, be present and be thankful that you get to show up. Be proud of yourself for showing up. Be proud of yourself for accomplishing something!

Why do you like running River City Races events?

I love that River City Races shows off the community and highlights how great the city of Louisville is. You get to experience not only the great charities and organizations that they work with, but you get to experience what it’s like to be a part of a community. You are welcomed into the Louisville running community and you are celebrated no matter what distance or pace you are running. All the events are just so much fun to be a part of and really are a highlight of the weekend.

Anything else you'd like to share?

I would encourage everyone to do as many of the River City Races as they can throughout the year. They benefit some great organizations, they showcase Louisville, they keep you accountable, and on top of it all, they are just fun. It is also just nice knowing that, as long as River City Races is around, there are still going to be regular races throughout the year, so it is nice to just be able to support them so they can keep putting on these events. One last thing, the Polar Bear Grand Prix is SOOOOOOO much fun and I would recommend these races to everyone!