Runner Spotlight - Bryan Huhnerkoch

To kick off the 2023/2024 Polar Bear Grand Prix, for the next few months, we’ll be spotlighting many of the top finishers from the 2022/2023 Polar Bear Grand Prix. Today we're featuring the Male Grandmaster Champion Bryan Huhnerkoch! See below for his profile.

I have been running since 1970. I was always one of the top runners at our school when we did the running portion of the Presidential fitness tests. I ran in college at the NCAA Division II level at the University of Northern Iowa. Both cross country and track.

I have done the PBGP a few times. I did it this year because I broke my foot running last May and hadn't raced since the Derby mini-marathon last April. I was needing some competitive running.

My favorite distance is the 1/2 marathon and the 70.3 triathlon.

My favorite place to run is on the greenway on the Indiana side along the Ohio River.

My most unique competition was doing 3 triathlons in 2 days up in Ohio. A sprint triathlon on Friday night and 2 Olympic distance events on Saturday.

I grew up in the era where you ran hard almost everyday and competed every week. Old habits die hard but I had to learn to enjoy nice easy runs multiple times per week. Listen to your body and be willing to take days off.

I enjoy the River City Races since they are close to home, are wonderful courses and you can plan well in advance knowing they will be held each year.

Best advice I can give is to be thankful that you can run and don't take it for granted.