Runner Spotlight - David Keely

Continuing our features on Run the 502 stars, those who entered and completed all 11 races!

How and why did you start running and how many years have you been running?

I ran in high school in the 80's and as many folks do I took it back up as middle age crept in and my fitness level was noticeably lower. I started working out in 2013 and added running to my works outs in 2014 when I was on a business trip and all the elliptical machines in the hotel gym were taken one morning. I quickly signed up for a race that spring and haven't looked back since.

Why did you decide to do the Run the 502?

I have been a regular at River City Racing events since I started running in 2014 and have earned the Run the 502 medal every year. You can see me at almost every one of them with my fellow Galloping Geezer teammates. I think Louisville is a great running town and it's important to support local events. 

Favorite distance?

If you'd asked me this a few years ago I would have probably said the half marathon but as I get closer to 60 I gravitate more and more to the shorter 5K's and 4 milers. It's nice to race and still have some energy for the rest of the day!

Favorite place to run?

This one is easy - the home course of the Galloping Geezers team is Pope Lick Park on the Louisville Loop. If there isn't a race on a Saturday morning that's generally where you will find us. 

Favorite or most unique race you have run?

 In 2017 I ran the 3 Way with Extra Cheese at the Flying Pig weekend in Cincinnati. It was a 1 mile race on Friday night, a 10K followed by a 5K on Saturday morning and a half marathon on Sunday morning. It was a fun time and I'm glad I did it once but I prefer hometown races to destination races. 

Favorite thing about running?

Meeting up with my friends from our team - it's always a good time. After our normal 5 to 6 miler on Saturday morning we always walk a mile or two to cool down. It's such a fun social outlet. Also, I think the running community here is so supportive too. 

Do you have any running/walking advice you'd like to offer?

If you're thinking about it just go get a decent pair of shoes then do it. It's such a supportive community and the benefits of moving your body (especially as you age) are so important! 

Why do you like running River City Races events?

I like the traditions - the Polar Bear Grand Prix is probably my favorite. I prefer running in the cold vs. the heat anyway. Everyone is always so friendly. 

Anything else you'd like to share?

Just a shout out to my Galloping Geezer teammates - Rick, John, Ben & David are great runners and even better human beings!