Runner Spotlight - Mike Blackwell

Last week wrapped up our features on those who completed all eleven races on the Run the 502 calendar so now let's get to know winners from this year's Polar Bear Grand Prix. This week is Mike Blackwell who won the 55-59 age group.

How and why did you start running and how many years have you been running?

I’ve been running for 18 years, starting at age 40, when my best friend John and I were talked into taking 5K legs on a Derby Marathon team. It’s been all downhill and uphill from there. I run regularly with two awesome local running groups, The Get Along Gang and One Step At A Time.

Why did you decide to do the Polar Bear Grand Prix? After doing a few of the Run the 502 races a few summers ago and enjoying them, I decided to go all in with Polar Bear and keep myself in race shape during the winter.

Favorite distance? 10K, though I took me many years to figure out pacing and how to appreciate each distance.

Favorite place to run?

Cherokee Park, on the trails, with fresh snow, some good friends, and a post-run beverage at Fantes. Louisville doesn’t get much better.

Favorite or most unique race you have run?

Favorite is Grandma’s Marathon, which was the first marathon with my daughter Rebecca in 2018, and a PR for us both. Most unique race is Bourbon Chase, which I’ve done many times and will always treasure.

Favorite thing about running?

Runners are, by far, the most positive and supportive group of people I’ve known. Training and racing, especially long distances, involve a lot of alone time. The social aspect of running, though, balances everything out nicely. My running friends like to laugh, celebrate and encourage each other. When COVID shut things down four years ago, they became a lifeline. With tools like Strava, I’ve been able to connect with people from all different backgrounds, who are on the same journey.

Do you have any running/walking advice you'd like to offer?

Appreciate every mile like it’s your last. Run through pain, but not injury. Crosstraining, active stretching and nutrition are your friends. Seek out experts and get lots of opinions, but always listen to body.

Why do you like running River City Races events?

They are always well organized. They showcase the city, have lots of enthusiasm, good causes and great sponsors.

Anything else you'd like to share?

Find some good fitting shoes, friends that like to laugh and listen, and music, books or podcasts that get you motivated. See you at the starting line.