Why Physical Therapy is Important

Why Physical Therapy Is Important

Coach Della Irby's Training Column - www.coachdellairby.com

Physical Therapy (PT) not only treats your specific injury, it will also help you strengthen the surrounding muscles. PT improves mobility and function in athletes who have injuries, illnesses, or medical conditions. Not everyone likes PT because it takes time, work, and costs money. However, one of the main reasons PT is so important is because it is an effective and less invasive treatment method. A licensed therapist knows the types of injury your favorite sport can cause and can created a recovery plan for you to get back as soon as possible.

Here are the top five reason why I feel PT is important and some of the benefits.

1.) Reduces or eliminates pain: PT exercises and manual therapy such as joint and soft tissue mobilization or treatments can help relieve pain and restore muscle and joint functions. Therapists use treatments such as ultrasound, taping, electrical stimulation, and massage along with many more.

2.) Helps to avoid surgery: PT can help restore joint mobility and function so surgery may not be needed.

3.) Helps to recover from surgery: If you still need surgery PT can help with both pre and post surgery rehab and get you back to your sport much quicker. An appropriate recovery program will be developed for you that will get you back on that starting line or enjoying your daily workout.

4.) Improves mobility: If you are recovering from a knee injury or hip injury PT can help strengthen and stretching your muscle and joints.

5.) Improves balance: When you begin PT you will get assessed and you may find that your balance is not as well as you thought (I fell into this category). PT can help you with exercises that will improve you lack of balance.

There are many more reasons PT can help you and assist you not only in recovery from sports injury but in cancer recovery, vascular conditions, heart recovery, stroke recovery, etc.

Find a therapist you feel comfortable with and be your own advocate during the sessions. PT is not a one size fits all, make sure the therapy you are getting is specific to you and your goals. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, take notes and photos. You can eventually take the knowledge and continue PT on your own.

About Coach Della Irby:

As a IRONMAN Certified Coach, USA Triathlon certified coach and US Cycling certified coach and along with over 25 years of endurance racing and coaching experience, Coach Della specializes in periodized training for endurance sports. Her training methodologies make it possible to develop a successful performance training commitment within the day-to-day framework of clients’ busy lives.

Coach Della works with athletes all over the United States. It doesn't matter if you live in Texas, KY or CA, Coach Della can help you attain your athletic goals.

"There are three things that I believe are essential to making progress in Triathlon; consistency, recovery and balance to your training.

Coach Della!