On ZAP Endurance Coach Pete Rea's Running Quick Tips

Quick Tip #7 - Cognitively Reframe Rest

In my early years as a competitive runner I commonly viewed rest days / recovery days as what I “wasn’t doing.” I only viewed harder days, longer days and those of specificity as ones in which anything was really being achieved. And then, in 1989, I was fortunate enough to attend a talk by the late great British Coach Harry Wilson (coach to World Mile Record Holder & Olympic 800m Gold medalist Steve Ovett) and my views began to change. Rest days “aren’t the absence of training,” said Wilson “but rather part OF your training, as important as any harder element.”

As a culture we admire hard work. We tend to glorify those who are relentlessly driven and work the hardest. In endurance athletics hard work is indeed necessary in various formats; however, to manifest that hard work rest must be paired with it. Moreover, we will be well served as a running community if we begin to view rest days from a new lens - - what we are achieving on that rest day, not what we are failing to achieve.

About On ZAP Endurance

A non-profit training center for post-collegiate, Olympic hopeful runners, and avid runners of all levels. We’re committed to developing the best distance runners in the United States, and providing that same level of expertise to runners of all ages and abilities.

ZAP Endurance Coaching is a running coach service for runners of all levels and all distances. Our passion is distance running and sharing our knowledge to help people of all ages and abilities reach their goals is our mission. It doesn’t matter how long you have been running, everyone needs guidance in their daily running to maximize their potential, stay injury free and most importantly, keep it fun.​ The heart of our philosophy is based on an individualized approach to training and a 1-on-1 relationship between running coach and athlete. Click here to learn more about ZAP Endurance Coaching.

Running Vacations

Build a community that will take you to new distances. For those that would rather have their heels to the pavement than toes in the sand. Come join us in the mountains, and work towards your goals in idyllic setting surrounded by other amateur runners who love this sport as much as you do. Click here to learn more about ZAP Endurance Running Vacations.