Runner Spotlight - Colin Schmidt and Richard Goranflo

Meet the youngest and oldest finishers in the Run the 502

Colin Schmidt

 At seven years old, Colin Schmidt was our youngest finisher entering an finishing eight races. With the help of Mom and Dad he was kind enough to answer some questions about his experience.

 Why did you decide to do the Run the 502?  To have fun and get exercise. (Oh and my parents signed the whole family up for the first race.)

 Favorite race of the series? The Independence Day 5K in St Matthews. I saw lots of friends. After the race, there were lots of great treats. Plus, we didn’t have to drive to the starting line!

 Favorite distance? A 5K

 Why do you like running River City Races events? Because they always have nice people. It’s not too long and not too short. The post race treats are always good.

 Do you have any running/walking advice you'd like to offer? When you are running, just keep running. Don’t give up!

 Anything else you'd like to share? I like racing my parents in the races. My mom thinks she can beat me this year. But I’m going to win!


Richard Goranflo

 At eighty-six years old, Richard Goranflo was the oldest finisher in the Run the 502. Richard also entered and finished eight of eight races. Richard was also kind enough to share his experience with us.

 It was a great experience to have been the oldest participant to compete in the “Run the 502” series of races for 2022 – 2023. The “502” offers a ready-made and realistically scheduled lineup of races at great venues. Further, the registration is easy and bundling of some races is appreciated. 

 My first race was the Snowman Shuffle in 2012 at one month short of 65 years of age. I think to this day, that’s why my favorite distance is 4 miles. 

 The Frostbite 5K is also a notable race that usually lives up to it name. The exhilarating temperatures usually add some speed to your pace.

 Some of the races are theme oriented and the costumes of the participants (owners and pets) are very well done showing a lot of time and effort in their creation. Also, in a couple of the events, the usual direction of the run was reversed and added an interesting twist to the race. 

 Running River City Races has always been an easy choice for me. The management has proven to be responsible, dependable, and safety minded. Emails are promptly answered, and any problems are quickly resolved. 

 Regarding advice to other runners, I have found, at least in my case, that there are some days you just don’t feel like running. But wait, don’t let that feeling (or should I say that attitude) fool you. Other than after a few minor injuries, I have always felt better after a run. It’s all about maintaining a positive attitude. Henry Ford’s quote that “the person who says they can’t and the person who says they can, are both right.” This is very applicable to running and it’s your choice which one you will be. 

 I can’t remember ever meeting a grumpy runner. Runners tend to be friendly, good natured, and sociable people. So, get on your running shoes and join the crowd. And by the way, don’t wait until your 65 years old to get started. Good luck.