Runner Spotlight - John Terry

First Male 30-34 2023/24 Polar Bear Grand Prix

How and why did you start running and how many years have you been running?

I started running for my middle school cross country team. Later I was an average high school runner and kept running as a hobby. 20 years later I'm still chasing the runner's high.

Why did you decide to do the Polar Bear Grand Prix?

I signed up for the Grand Prix hoping that having a few races on the calendar would motivate me to run through the winter. I love that the courses run through Cherokee park and the race supports the Olmstead Park Conservancy. My 2-year-old daughter enjoys playing with the jigsaw piece finisher medals.

Favorite distance?

My favorite distance to run is the 15k (9.3miles). I ran the Downtown Doubler 15k again last year and it is my favorite race in town. The folks who put it on do a great job and September mornings can be perfect running weather. 9 miles is about the point I start getting worn down in a half marathon so the distance allows for a strong finish.

Favorite place to run?

My favorite local running routes go through Seneca and Cherokee parks. The same run can feel completely different depending on the season. We have a great park system in Louisville. Whenever I visit a new city I like to pack my running shoes for an early morning run. It's the best way to explore a new place in my opinion.

Favorite or most unique race you have run?

My most unique race would be the Krispy Kreme Challenge in Raleigh, NC in 2012. It began with a 2.5 mile run, eating a dozen glazed donuts, and another 2.5 mile run. The atmosphere was electric with lots of costumes. There is a long list of races on my bucket list and I aim for one destination race each year. I am currently training for the Escape from Alcatraz triathlon in San Francisco in June.

Favorite thing about running?

I love setting and working towards a goal. The feeling when you meet a new PR or race goal is so motivating. I also hope I can be a good role model for my daughter to grow up seeing her parents have healthy hobbies.

Do you have any running/walking advice you'd like to offer?

My advice, whether you are new or have run for a long time, is to join one of the many running groups in town. I signed up for the Fleet Feet Training Program in July 2023 and running with other people has been such a positive experience. It has been so encouraging to meet up with other runners especially for a weekly long run. You also get to share in the "victories" when the people you run with hit their goals or improve as the season progresses.

Why do you like running River City Races events?

 The River City Race events are very well organized and it feels like a small way to support our running community.

Anything else you'd like to share?

I'm thankful for my wife, Katie, for always being supportive of my hobbies.