Runner Spotlight - Melissa Brewer

2nd Place 40-44 2023 Polar Bear Grand Prix

My random, hiatus filled running history is just that, random but it has turned into something very intentional. In 2010, a group of us decided to run a half marathon on a whim and I just continued with it for a while. I liked running but there was never a "love" for it, at first.  It was just something I did from time-to-time. It was always my go-to when I needed to start exercising again.

Fast forward a few years, I moved to Florida, ran a few races here and there but life became busy with motherhood, work, etc. and I had a big hiatus. I put myself on the back burner for a while, ended up moving back to Ky., got out of an unhealthy marriage and starting running again. I used running to get exercise, push myself and to figure out all of life's problems. In all those miles I figured out how to be the best me for myself and my kids. That's when I fell in love with running!

Fast forward to October 2022; I ran a race and saw that I was 6th in my age group.  A friend had placed 3rd and I made a goal to place in the top 3 for my age group. I had never even come close to placing previously and it wasn't even on my radar until then. I worked for a year towards my goal and wouldn't you know it, they didn't have the race in October 2023. Honestly, I was mad and out of frustration I signed up for the Polar Bear Grand Prix. I was used to training in Iroquois Park so Cherokee Park didn't scare me. I knew placing in the top 3 of my age group would still be tough but I did it! I actually placed 2nd and was absolutely thrilled! It was a check off my bucket list but I guess I wasn't done yet. Somehow at the end of the race series, I placed 2nd overall in my age group and I was beyond excited.

It sparked a fire in me and since then an entire snowball of events have taken place.

I have since registered for my first full marathon, started a YouTube channel (Running Like A Mother Clucker) to document my training, crosstraining with cycling and to show how the regular person, like myself, can do hard things with motivation. I just completed the Louisville Triple Crown of Running and am embarking on my longest unsupported run this weekend in an unfamiliar place.  That run has challenges in itself.

So, why do I run?  I run because I get what I put into it, it can be a solo or group sport and it's mentally healthy for me.  I think what I love most about running though, aside from seeing the progress I make, is the absolutely amazing community that I have become a part of. Louisville has a great, supportive running community! She Runs This Town is a great running group I've joined. I've had other members run along side me in races, introducing themselves for the first time. (I'm usually easily recognized because I run with a GoPro for the YouTube channel that includes my chickens that everyone seems to love). I have come to realize my friends, boyfriend,  kids, running and cycling friends are all so supportive. I went into marathon training thinking this was a solo deal but it has transpired into so much more! So yeah, I think I'm in love with running now.