Runner Spotlight - Sally Moyer

This year in her last year in the 75-79 age group, Sally Moyer swept the record book for her age group in all three Polar Bear Grand Prix races! Click here for the Polar Bear Grand Prix race records.

I would have loved to run on a track team in high school and college, but at that time there were no track teams open to girls where I lived.  When road running became popular in the 1970s, my husband suggested that we try to run a 5K.  I was 39 at the time.  It was then that I remembered how much fun running is.  We have been hooked on running ever since that race.

 Our two young kids would come along to races and we became a running family.  Our kids are adults now and they are still running, as is our grandson.  It is so nice to be a part of this healthy  family tradition.

 When the National Masters USATF came to Charlotte, NC in August 2006, I finally had an opportunity to run competitively on an outdoor track.  I was 60 at that time, but running a real race on a track was something I always wanted to do.  In my age group I was 2nd in the 5K and 1st in the 10K.  It was great fun to be a small part in a large track meet.

 In March of 2023 the Masters Indoor USATF championship was held at the Norton Healthcare Sports and Learning Center’s Indoor Track.  It is a magnificent facility and I did not want to pass up this opportunity - even though I was 78 years old.  I ran the 3000 meter event and placed 2nd in my age group.  It was a treat to compete with so many great athletes on another great indoor track.

 This March I will be 80 years old.  Running is just as much fun now as it was when I first started.  I have taken up the Run-Walk-Run approach from Jeff Galloway’s book.  It is a great way to pace yourself, and to run even faster.  Even younger runners can benefit from this approach, so check it out!

 The Polar Bear Series is one of my favorites. These races are always happy, friendly and well-run.  The 4K, 5K, and 4 mile events are just right for the cold winter months.  Thank you, River City, for making this a wonderful tradition for so many.
